*** cancelled *** 26-29 May 2022 *** Learning by doing! With the overwhelming success of our new focus on Jamming in Groups, we will once again be divided into groups based on experience and skill level and lead by a few members of our teaching staff. The morning classes will continue to include the traditional […]
“Pick your Passion” heißt unser Slogan. Ob Banjo-, Gitarre-, Dobro- oder Mandolinen-SpielerInnen, Bassisten oder Fiddlerinnen – bluegrassbegeisterte Hobby-Musiker (aber auch Freunde anderer Musikrichtungen) aus ganz Europa sind eingeladen, ein Wochenende in schöner Umgebung an den bayrischen Alpen unter Gleichgesinnten zu verbringen, in Intensiv-Workshops (Gruppen von je 10-15 Teilnehmern) alles rund um ihr Instrument zu erfahren, im […]
Pick your passion! From 4-6 October 2019 musicians gather in beautiful Aschau Germany for en extraordinary Bluegrass Camp
Blaubeuren is located at the foot of the “Schwäbischen Alb” not far from the city of Ulm, Germany. From February the 15th until 17th twenty Bluegrass Musicians from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Italy, Denmark and the USA gathered to do what they desire the most: Playing Bluegrass Music! Who believes that there was a lot […]