Blaubeuren is located at the foot of the “Schwäbischen Alb” not far from the city of Ulm, Germany.
From February the 15th until 17th twenty Bluegrass Musicians from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Italy, Denmark and the USA gathered to do what they desire the most: Playing Bluegrass Music! Who believes that there was a lot of sleep this weekend? Time was unfortunately too short to get everything done. People met old acquaintances and found new ones. There was beer, coffee and hell of a time. Finally, there was a gig to play, located at the “Illertal Cowboys” in Vöhringen. There was no need of a band concept or a well rehearsed setlist. The motto of the evening was “just do it”. For three and a half hours no band composition was like the other. The audience was enthusiastic and so were the musicians. I hope we will meet them again. The “International EBMA Winterjam Bluegrassband”.